The Cattle Call
The Cattle Call
Silverstream Charolais New Zealand with Brent Fisher; Episode 1 of 2
In todays Episode of The Cattle Call which will be a two part series, Curtis sits down with Brent Fisher a diversified Rancher from New Zealand who raises Registered Charolais Cattle, Hereford Cattle, Finishes Steers and Heifers and Commercial Ewe Program. Brents Father Bruce, recently passed away and they discuss Bruce and his Father improving swamp type land, dairy farming and being a Pioneer of the Charolais Breed in New Zealand starting around 1968 and a little Charolais History for the UK, New Zealand and Australia. They discuss the transition from Dairy to Charolais, early challenges of getting Charolais Genetics in New Zealand, opportunities to expand their Charolais herd, marketing the breed to gain acceptance to the current challenges of Farming and Ranching in New Zealand.
For more information about Silverstream Charolais.
Link to the New Zealand Charolais with article featuring Bruce Fisher.
Link to the Podcast Episode by Andy Frazier for Toplines and Tales discussing Charolais in the UK with Major David Walter.